Elders McCleod and Romney

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lose the Flab February!

Hey there,
I looked at your text email, mom, and laughed because it was hard to make out with the spelling errors, but it was funny :) I can picture you trying to text and run at the same time... kinda like that time I dropped my iPod at the Y on the treadmill and it went zinging out the back along with my towel. It's safe to say I am still just as graceful. We were taking a picture yesterday and I was setting the timer and had to do a James Bond barrel roll over the bed and run to the wall and smoked my knee on the chair on the way over and slipped on the floor... graceful. 

But! The reason we were taking the picture is because we have another missionary with us! Do you remember the W family? Elder Nelson and I ate at their house every Sunday in Maypen. Well T (Elder now) is serving with Elder Taylor and I. He hasnt even been to the MTC yet! His mission call is to Tallahassee Florida but his Visa has been giving him trouble and he was supposed to start his mission in December, so they decided just to get him started out here. So Elder Taylor and I are training him, he could leave at anytime but says that he will probably be outta here by March 5th, transfer day in his mission. It's cool serving with a Jamaican, we had shrimp and rice and peas for lunch yesterday, Elder Weir cooks like an angel. Im definitly going to come home with a Jamaican cookbook of the real authentic stuff. 

Speaking of food, It's almost February, and you know what that means.... the third annual "Lose the Flab" February! So starting today it's healthy time. And more working out in the morning and the night time. 100 pushups a day, pullups, and some abdominal workouts that don't include a Zinger and KFC.... With beach season only 18 months away, its about time to whip this weak, slightly pudgy body into shape! haha But seriously though, its time. Im going to buy some peppers and eggs and maaaaybe some chicken today. What else would be good for me? Mom, all these things that you've been telling me my whole life about being healthy are now going to be used because... well... it's time to be more healthy haha So... can you tell me some things that would be good for me to eat? Im thinkin oatmeal or eggs in the morning, lunch we are usually out on the road, but maybe packing some peanuts or something, I don't know, this is where I need your expertise in the healthy department. 

This week was basically cut into two parts. Tuesday, Wenesday and part of Thursday not one single person returned our phone calls. We called probably 10 people multiple times and got no response. So, we put on some serious miles on the finding shoes. It wasn't to bad looking back, but finding all day makes for long days especially when you feel you've already gone everywhere. But the zone leaders came out and dropped Elder Weir off Thursday afternoon and it's been cool having a fresh missionary in the companionship. Even though he's from here, mission life is always different and takes getting used to. His feet are pretty sore from walking (brings back memories) but he's doing very well actually, much better than I was when I first got here. 

The exciting and most important news of the week though is that Sis. J is getting baptised on Saturday!!! WAHOO! She is ready. We've been meeting with her almost everyday for the past two weeks and at least 3 times a week for the last month, and she's been taught by previous missionaries for 6 months before we got here. She's very solid and we are so excited for her baptism. N is doing well, still coming to church and reading her scriptures a lot. It's been pretty legit. We spoke in Sacrement meeting yesterday, well, Elder Weir and I... Elder Taylor was like "Oh, you go first, I'll go last" and sure enough, he only had time to bear his testimony... lucky ducky haha It was good though, I spoke on prayer. Talked about how Lehi, Enos, and The Brother of Jared are all excellent example of prayer, and that there are really two prayers that are the most important prayers spoken by anyone, anytime in the history of the world. Christ in Gethsemane and Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove. With one prayer, Christ made it possible for us to return to our Heavenly Father, and with the other prayer, Joseph Smith recieved the fullness of the gospel to bring back to this time so that we can all work toward returning back to our Heavenly Father. I learned a lot while preparing it. There is so much more power in prayer that anyone gives credit. Prayer is a two way conversation with God, not just us talking to Him. Pretty rad.

 Oh! Something crazy, Uncle Brett's cousin is serving here in April! I got an email from him last week saying so, thats pretty wild, eh? That will be fun and cool to serve around him, shoot stories back and forth about Uncle/Cousin Brett haha 

You guys have a great week! Ill be sending pictures this week! 
I love you!
Elder Romney 

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